Greetings Wyvern Rising players and fans!  As spring approaches, this is usually the time of year when we all dust off our physreps and finally start making the updates to our garb that we swore we would do over the winter (#LastMinutePanic).  But this spring is different.  With the ongoing pandemic, we won’t be able to have live events quite yet.  So you have a little more time to procrastinate on those garb updates.

But like you, we are still restless to get back into the world of Wyvern Rising.  Many of you have already participated in our first running of the virtual tabletop events.  And now that we’ve ironed out (some of) the bugs, and have run several sessions relatively smoothly, we’d like to run some again.  We will be doing another running of the tabletop virtual events in March-April. Details below:



With the ongoing political turmoil in Haldenweald/Feragothe, there’s renewed interest in the settlement of Garamont’s Reach.  There are several contracts to escort supplies and/or Royal envoys to the Dwarven town nestled high among the mountains to the west.  These contracts are open to all guild members AND “independent contractors” (OOG: This means anyone can participate.  But if your character is IN a guild, this may count as a guild mission!).



Signing up will work a bit differently this time.  This is intended to be a one-off event, that your party should be able to finish in the 4 hours we have scheduled (though we will potentially spill over to 5 hours depending on how quickly things are going).  So rather than have you form your own parties and submit your requests together as a party, we have scheduled 4 sessions, each with 5 player slots.  These slots are first come first serve.  Official scheduling requests are  done through emails to [email protected]. The order emails are received at that account will be the order they are processed in.


Dates/Times of available sessions are available on this spreadsheet. We’ll do our best to keep this updated as people register for the sessions, but keep in mind that it may not accurately reflect what is open in an “up to the minute” way.


When submitting your scheduling email, you CAN request slots for multiple players.  If you do so, please CC the email addresses of ALL individuals requesting slots so we know who to contact for coordination. If possible, please note backup times that you (or your group) are available in case your preferred time is no longer available.  For example:

“I’d like to request two slots for both Margaret and Jeff in the March 27th 10AM session.  If that’s no longer available, please reserve us two slots in the April 10th 12PM Session.”


At this time, you can NOT sign up to participate in multiple sessions.  We have a limited number of open slots, and first we want to make sure that everyone who’s interested has a chance to sign up.  If there is sufficient interest, we may add additional sessions.



This virtual tabletop events will cost $15 per person.  The proceeds of these events will help Wyvern Rising recoup the cost for the virtual tabletop software, as well as continue to fund ongoing Wyvern Rising costs like web hosting, storage, and other regular fees that Wyvern Rising incurs regardless of whether or not we have live events.  Event credits can be purchased on our Square storeEvent credits are due at the time of your game session, so you do not need to buy them until your session is confirmed.


Because we are now charging for virtual tabletop events, your character will receive 1 build point for attending.  Additionally, each time you attend a virtual tabletop event, you may purchase an additional 1 build point for $10, also via the square store.  Also, just like at live events, the staff may award your character roleplaying points (RP) for exceptional roleplay during the virtual events.


We know times are tough for a lot of people in the pandemic.  And we do want all players to be able to participate.  To help, we are going to start the Wyvern Rising Scholarship fund that we announced last year.  Of course you can always buy event credits for another player if you wish, but if you’d like to help anonymously or provide funds for future players in need, you can buy scholarship credits in $5 increments in our Square Store. These funds will go towards purchasing event credits (for both live and virtual events) that can be used by players who can’t afford to attend events.  These event credits will be disbursed by the Wyvern Rising Game staff at their discretion.  They will be taking into account how many event credits are in the fund, as well as how many players regularly need event credits.  At this time, there is no reward or build incentive for funding the scholarship, just the satisfaction that you’re helping your fellow players.  We will be reassessing incentives for it once we can have live games again.


If you are a player who needs an event credit, please contact staff at [email protected]


Virtual Discord (text-only) events will continue to be free when we have them!