Out of Game Updates
Rulebook Updates (Core 3.4.0, Crafting 1.3.0, Magic/Prayers 1.2.0)
General Laborer Background updated to have increased coin. Story AARs wording updated to make learning skills easier. Mage Reworded Inscribe Rune to make [...]
Rulebook Hotfix (Core 3.3.2, Crafting 1.2.2)
Smithing Inlay: Reworded such that when items are constructed with multiple materials, half of it is one material, and the other half is [...]
Rulebook Updates (Core 3.3.1, Crafting 1.2.1)
Common Skills Research mentioned Sphere Ranks. Reworded. Finesse Inspire is now Point-and-Click for Delivery. Medicine Dissect and Extract updated to reference Corpse Tags. [...]
In-Game Updates
AoC 82 – Summer
As the summer heat bears down on Feragothe, so does a host of unholy the likes of which have not been seen in years. Farms stand abandoned, mines sit empty, [...]
AoC 82 – Spring
As Winter thaws and spring greets Feragothe, a dark shadow still looms over the land. While the cursed drought has ended, rumblings and rumors of an underground war have gripped [...]
AoC 81 – Spring
A new cycle dawns and the accursed drought is still with us. Peoples from across Haldenweald have banded together to survive. There are rumors that several supply convoys were seen [...]