We’re happy that everyone had such a great time at Colony Alpha! Wyvern Rising’s next event is the Wyvern Rising Season Finale, October 15th – 17th, 2021. Pre-registration is live at the link below! If you’re planning on attending, please pre-register as soon as possible. It doesn’t cost anything to pre-register other than the 5 minutes it takes to fill out the form. Pre-registration helps us fulfill our commitment to Hickory Run’s COVID-19 safety precautions, keeping you safe, and almost as importantly it helps us better plan the event to provide as much engagement as we can to you and your characters.
Pre-payment is also available in our square store, which is linked in the pre-registration form.
We’re looking forward to the event, and can’t wait to see you all there. -Wyvern Rising Staff https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1uHqI5EmEU_C7dVPee27Y6Y_zK7qgFA1Aif6LpCpIpV0/edit