Roughly three hundred and fifty-five years before the Age of Council most of what is now northern Grendon was united under the king of Nosgorev, Grend. Fiercely independent, the other northern kingdoms spent many years resisting Grend’s campaigns. Grend’s resolve won out however (though it is said he had the aid of Elven magiks), and he took the title of Emperor Grendonus. The lengths of the Grendonic Empire slowly crept south toward the Fendenglade. Grendonus let the conquered states retain most of their independence and freedoms and they enjoyed a good amount of peace during his reign.
Grendonus ruled for about forty years. He eventually disappeared while on a hunting expedition in the Northern forests. His axe was found, however, and became the token of the imperial office. Grendonus never lived to see his empire span the length of modern day Grendon. Through the work of his next three successors the Grendonic Empire expanded, and at its height it included the northern marches of the Fendenglade, some of northeastern Derthhaven, and a small portion of eastern Alessandria.
The Grendonic Empire lasted for some two hundred and fifteen years through eleven emperors. The decline, however, began in earnest under the rule of the eighth emperor, Östric of Koln, who took the name of Östricus and moved the imperial capitol to Wonntheim in the center of the empire. By the time of the last emperor, Carolinus, the empire had lost nearly all of its territories beyond the borders of present day Grendon.
Indeed, secession from within marked the reign of Carolinus. The revolt of the Tartans in the east marked the beginning of the Carolusian Wars, as they are called today. This was the death knell for the Grendonic Empire. The Tartan rebellion was soon followed by peoples in other regions. Carolinus was an inept commander and the imperial troops were stretched thin across the empire. Combined with an increasingly corrupt clergy, the Grendonic Empire found itself teetering on collapse. This was a wretched time for the citizens of the empire and many families fled west to Alessandria. The Carolusian Wars lasted seven years, as did the reign of Carolinus. After the Luden massacre at Schtonheim internal support for the empire waned.
Soon after, Gäpt, king of the Göpids, led his armies north to the imperial capitol. The Göpids were a hardy people whose territory bordered the Fendenglades, a wild swampy wasteland. Gäpt himself was a distant cousin of the executed Luden graf Engol. With his armies at all corners of the empire Carolinus’ forces were no match for the dauntless Göpids. In a few months they were at the very walls of the capitol.
No amount of parleying would save the city, as Gäpt was there for blood. The capitol was soon overrun and sacked. Carolinus himself was hanged from the gates of the imperial palace. The Grendonic Empire and the Carolusian Wars came to an end, one hundred and forty years before the Age of Council. Most of the imperial armies disbanded, and many high ranking officers returned to their home regions, setting the stage for the rise of local and regional warlords. Gäpt declined his own coronation as emperor. Instead, he led his people back south to their ancestral home. The states of the empire broke apart and now operate autonomously, though generally in common accord. The old lands of the empire, no longer one, became known collectively as Grendon, after the charismatic king Grend of times past. Though in practice they are individual kingdoms, the disparate provinces are quick to unite when the whole of Grendon is threatened. But in times of external peace, they are prone to conflict, often armed, amongst themselves.