Greetings fellow Wyvernites! Today we get to bring you your latest dose of LARP hype, the Season 18 Crafting Patch Notes. (Whoo!) There’s a lot to cover, but here are some of the highlights:
1. Crafting Times – There have been a lot of tweaks to crafting times (particularly smithing). This was so we could move to a base 10 system which streamlines and simplifies the math. Please see the list of crafting times at the end of this summary.
2. Rarity Restrictions – Working with rare and exotic materials requires skill, we’ve restricted working with these materials to journeyman and master crafters respectively (this was already the case for most crafts, but a few had slipped by).
3. Salvage Units – A salvage tag is now worth 10 min of crafting time for mundane armor and weapons. Salvage can now be used to acquire mundane broken armor (which you can then repair). They must be redeemed all at one time to count towards a piece of gear. This is not meant to replace smithing or crafting – it is a system of alternative loot acquisition. All salvaged items will be labeled as salvage and the trade caravans will not purchase these items. (What vendor worth their salt wants to buy broken trash?)
4. Farming – Farming has had a major overhaul. Highlights include: adjusted yields/time frames to align with other profession crafts, removed die rolls and harvest point calculations, added shearing sheep, added clear and plant skill in place of plant seeds skill, a new tracking sheet for your farm.
5. Gardening – We’ve adjusted yields/time frames to align with other profession crafts and the profession’s chart has been rearranged. We’ve also introduced a new gardening tracking system. We’ve clarified that creating a standard ration requires 20 Fruit/Vegetable plants, and we’ve added the gather seeds action to the chart. The uncommon plants category has been removed. These plants are now common, to align with other material modifiers in game (now there are only common, rare, exotic modifiers in game).
6. Mining – We’ve adjusted yields/time frames to align with other profession crafts. We recognize that this is a significant reduction to mining yields for Journeyman and Master miners (28% reduction for Journeyman and a 50% reduction for Master). This change was made for two primary reasons. First, this was part of our effort to standardize efficiency increases with proficiency ranks. Most skills saw a 25% reduction in time use with every proficiency increase, but mining times were effectively reduced by 50% with each proficiency increase. Mining now follows the same time reduction standards as other crafts. Second, we wanted to clean up the chart. The old mining chart had both changing times and changing yields which made it difficult to read. The new chart has constant yields, which makes calculations much simpler. Additionally, we’ve added rules for prospecting. A skilled miner can now search for rare and even exotic materials by prospecting. This action does not require the use of an established mine. Prospecting yields are randomized, so you could find gold and gems, or nothing at all.
7. Alchemy – We’ve made the unit conversion chart public, it can now be found on the crafting charts. We’ve set up working charts to increase the availability of common alchemy components in the general store/trade caravans. We have also clarified the skill Experiment:
This skill allows an alchemist to attempt to create a new recipe, modify an existing recipe, or reverse engineer a compound over several AAR’s. First, during an AAR, tell the staff that you are interested in experimenting/creating a compound and describe the effect you are trying to create in as much detail as possible. For next steps, see the Alchemy page on the website for more details.
This skill allows an alchemist to attempt to create a new recipe, modify an existing recipe, or reverse engineer a compound over several AAR’s. First, during an AAR, tell the staff that you are interested in experimenting/creating a compound and describe the effect you are trying to create in as much detail as possible. For next steps, see the Alchemy page on the website for more details.
8. Dwarven Efficiency – We’ve added dwarven crafting times to all the charts.
9. Divine and Arcane Crafting – We’ve added NEW tabs on the crafting charts. This information was previously scattered across the website, but can now be found in one convenient location.
10. NPC SHIFT CRAFTING – You’ll now get 2 hours of crafting time while you’re on your NPC shift! We realize a lot of crafting used to happen on Sunday mornings, which is no longer possible due to the earlier checkout times that we’ve had for a couple or seasons. We are pleased to announce that you will now get some of that “lost time” back, as well as a convenient explanation of what your PC is doing while you are on your NPC shift. Please have a GAME STAFF member signoff AFTER you complete your NPC shift, and a CRAFTING MARSHAL will give you your tags at their earliest convenience.
11. Assess Worth – Assess worth has been broken up into 2 skills, Market Evaluation and Appraisal. Market Evaluation will allow people to determine the values of Basic Alchemy, Common Components and Smithing Materials, as well as Basic Weapons and Shields made from common materials. Appraisal will allow people to determine the values of Intermediate and Complex Alchemy, Rare and Exotic Components, Rare and Exotic Smithing Materials, and High and Master Quality Weapons and Shields made from common materials. This change was made because of the overwhelming number of items on the old Assess Worth charts, which were hard to carry around (Sorry Mark and Margaret). The new charts should be much easier to navigate.
Market Evaluation – allows a player to judge the basic “street value” of common items. These prices aren’t set in stone and merchants and players alike may see your value differently. See game staff for a list of items and their worth. (6 Sphere ranks bonus)
Appraisal – allows a characters’ skilled eye to appraise the true value of rare and exotic goods. These prices aren’t set in stone and merchants and players alike may see your value differently. See game staff for a list of items and their worth. (10 Sphere ranks bonus)
12. Component Rarity – Alchemic components had four rarity categories, while all other crafts had only three rarities (common, rare, and exotic). We have now removed the uncommon rarity from components to simplify things and to bring component rarities in line with the rarities used in other crafts.
13. Jeweler – We’ve adjusted yields/time frames to align with other profession crafts and the profession’s chart has been rearranged. We changed the rarity of materials for jewelry. Jeweler now uses the same material rarities as all other crafts with the exception of Silver which will still count as a common material for the creation portion of Jewelry. Additionally we changed the number of Jeweler’s Units in one Smithing Unit of material. 1 Smithing Unit can be split into 12 Jeweler’s Units (previously 24) and 1 coin (copper, silver, gold) can be melted down by a smelter into 1 Jeweler’s Unit (previously 2). At the same time we have decreased the number of jeweler’s units required to create items by roughly half.
Changes to Smithing
• Organizational Changes
i. Tab Split – The smithing charts are now split between 3 tabs (Weapons, Armor, Toolcrafting).
ii. Required Skill – We’ve added a new column to tell you what skill you need to make an item and have sorted the items accordingly.
iii. High Quality and Master Quality – We’ve added a description of the benefits of High and Master Quality items to the charts.
iv. Armor Values – We’ve added a list of Armor Locations and their Armor Point values to the Armor chart.
• Weapon Times
i. Small Weapon – Changed from 50/38/25 to 40/30/20
ii. Club – Changed from 25/20/13 to 30/20/15
iii. Staff – Changed from 50/38/25 to 40/30/20
iv. Polearm – Changed from 138/100/75 to 120/90/65
v. 1 Hand Hafted – Changed from 75/50/38 to 60/45/30
vi. Bastard Hafted – Changed from 100/75/50 to 80/60/45
vii. 2 Hand Hafted – Changed from 125/88/63 to 100/75/55
viii. 1 Hand Blade – Changed from 100/75/50 to 80/60/45
ix. Bastard Blade – Changed from 125/88/63 to 100/75/55
x. 2 Hand Blade – Changed from 150/113/75 to 120/90/65
xi. Bow – Changed from 100/75/50 to 80/60/45
xii. Composite Bow – Changed from 100/75/50 to 80/60/45
xiii. Light Crossbow – Changed from 150/113/75 to 120/90/65
xiv. Heavy Crossbow – Changed from 200/150/113 to 160/120/90
xv. Arrow/Bolt – Changed from 25/20/13 to 20/15/10
xvi. Thrown Weapon – Changed from 50/38/25 to 40/30/20
xvii. Knuckle Duster/Cestus – Changed from 50/38/25 to 40/30/20
xviii. Small Shield – Changed from 25/15/10 to 30/20/15
xix. Medium Shield – Changed from 38/25/15 to 40/30/20
xx. Large Shield – Changed from 50/38/25 to 60/45/30
• Armor Times
i. Cloth armor – Changed from 7/5/3 to 10/7/5
ii. Medium armor – Changed from 13/9/6 to 10/7/5
iii. Heavy armor – Changed from 15/11/7 to 10/7/5
iv. Repair time – 1 min per armor point
• Toolcrafting Times
i. Small Chest – Changed from 50/38/25 to 40/30/20
ii. Large Chest – Changed from 100/75/50 to 80/60/45
iii. Axe – Changed from 100/75/50 to 80/60/45
iv. Pick-Axe – Changed from 100/75/50 to 80/60/45
v. Hammer – Changed from 75/50/38 to 60/45/30
vi. Shovel/Spade – Changed from 75/50/38 to 60/45/30
vii. Still – Changed from 125/88/63 to 100/75/55
viii. Plow – Changed from 150/113/75 to 120/90/65
ix. Eating Utensils – Changed from 50/38/25 to 40/30/20
x. 50 Nails – Changed from 50/38/25 to 40/30/20
xi. Bucket – Changed from 50/38/25 to 40/30/20
xii. Fishing Pole – Changed from 50/38/25 to 40/30/20
xiii. Fishing Net – Changed from 50/38/25 to 40/30/20
xiv. Hunting Traps – Changed from 75/50/38 to 60/45/30
xv. Hoe – Changed from 75/50/38 to 60/45/30
xvi. Hand Press – Changed from 100/75/50 to 80/60/45
xvii. Jeweler’s Tools – Changed from 125/88/63 to 100/75/55
xviii. Alchemy Lab – Changed 150/113/75 to 120/90/65
xix. Smithing Tools – Changed from 125/88/63 to 100/75/55
xx. Forge – Changed from 2000/1500/1000 to 1680/1260/960
xxi. Glass (1 Unit) – Changed from 100/75/50 to 80/60/45
Changes to Profession Crafts
• Brewer
i. Ale – Changed from 70/50/30 to 70/50/35
ii. Wine – Changed from 80/60/40 to 80/60/45
iii. Liquor Changed from 90/70/50 to 90/65/45
• Farmer
i. Harvest an Acre – Changed from 420/210/140 to 300/210/140
ii. Clear and Plant replaces Plat Seeds – No seeds are required for replanting the same crop – Changed from 420/325/210 to 300/210/140
iii. Shear Sheep – *NEW ACTION* – Times set at 300/210/140
iv. Harvest Points and Die Rolls – *REMOVED* – These made farming too complex. We decided that the complexity didn’t provide any benefit to the game and removed it.
• Fishing
i. Standard Ration (Salted) – Changed from 60/30/20 to 60/45/30
ii. Standard Ration (Smoked) – Changed from 90/50/30 to 90/65/45
iii. Hard Ration (Salted) – Changed from 90/50/30 to 90/65/45
iv. Fine Fish Oil (1 pint) – Changed from -/50/40 to -/50/35
v. Fish Oil Limits – *ADDED* – You can only craft a number of pints of fish oil equal to the number of rations you fish for. This limit already existed, but was missing from the crafting charts.
• Gardener
i. Standard Ration – Creating a standard ration now requires 20 Fruit/Vegetable Plants. – Changed from 60/30/20 to -/40/30 – The apprentice time was removed because an apprentice gardener can’t have enough plants to produce a ration.
ii. Herbs (1 Leaf) – Changed from 7/5/2 to 7/5/4
iii. Gather Seeds (1 Cup of Seeds) – *NEW ACTION* – Times set at 20/15/10
iv. Uncommon Plants – *REMOVED* – There was no real reason for the extra rarity class of plants. Now plants are either common, rare, or exotic. Plants that were formerly uncommon should now be common.
• Hunter
i. Standard Ration (Salted) – Changed from 90/50/30 to 90/65/45
ii. Standard Ration (Smoked) – Changed from 120/80/50 to 120/90/65
iii. Hard Ration (Salted) – Changed from 120/80/50 to 120/90/65
iv. Animal Sinew – *NEW ACTION* – Times set at 10/7/5
v. Raw Hide – Changed from 45/30/15 to 40/30/20
vi. Sheer Sheep – *REMOVED* – We’ve given this action to farming instead.
vii. Hunting Limits – *ADDED* – Hunters face the same restrictions on ration gathering as fishers. Now the charts properly reflect this.
• Jeweler
i. Ring – changed from 80/60/40 to 80/60/45
ii. Pendant – changed from 80/60/40 to 80/60/45
iii. Brooch – changed from 120/80/60 to 120/90/65
iv. Chain Necklace – changed from 80/60/40 to 80/60/45
v. Fine Chain Necklace – changed from 200/150/100 to 200/150/110
vi. String of Beads – changed from 120/80/60 to 120/90/65
vii. Bracelet – changed from 120/80/60 to 120/90/65
• Locksmith
i. Rank 1 – Changed from 150/120/80 to 140/105/75
ii. Rank 2 – Changed from 220/180/120 to 210/160/115
iii. Rank 3 – Changed from 400/300/200 to 420/315/235
iv. Rank 4 – Changed from 460/320 to 420/315
v. Rank 5 – Changed from 620/460 to 630/470
vi. Rank 6 – Changed from 860/620 to 840/630
vii. Rank 7 – Changed from 860 to 840
viii. Create Keys – Changed from 75/50/38 to 60/45/30
• Lumberjack
i. Sap – Changed to Sap (4 drams) – Changed from 10/10/10 to 10/7/5
ii. Bark/Wood Shavings – Changed to Bark/Wood Shavings (2 Large Handfuls) – Changed from 10/10/10 to 10/7/5
iii. Both of these actions gave different quantities based on skill rank. Now skill rank changes the time needed for the action instead of the yield.
• Miner
i. Discern Mineral/Ore/Gem – Removed Uncommon from the list, this class no longer exists all previously uncommon materials are now common.
ii. Basic Mining – Changed to Basic Mining (1 Unit or Large Handful) – Changed from 10/10/10 to 10/7/5
iii. Advanced Mining – Changed to Advanced Mining (1 Unit or Large Handful) – Changed from 30/15/15 to -/20/15
iv. Master Mining – Changed to Master Mining (1 Unit or Large Handful or Gem) – Changed from 80/40/20 to -/-/35
v. These actions gave different quantities based on skill rank. Now skill rank changes the time needed for the action instead of the yield.
vi. *ADDED* Prospecting -/300/210/140
• Paper Miller
i. High Quality Paper (1 sheet) <grass> – changed from 70/50/30 to 80/60/45
ii. Book/Tome/Ledger – Changed from 90/70/50 to 80/60/45
• Smelting
i. Foundry ingot – Changed from 100/80/60 to 110/80/60
ii. Exotic modifier changed from x8 to x7
iii. Clarified Metal Reclamation Rules – Smiths also have access to Metal Reclamation if they have the forge/repair metal weapon skill.
• Tanner
i. Leather <alum> – Changed from 7/5/3 to 7/5/4
• Textiles
i. Materials for all items have been changed from “Bolts of Fabric” to “Yards of Fabric”
ii. Robe – Changed from 90/60/45 to 90/65/45
iii. Dress – Changed from 120/90/60 to 120/90/65
iv. Fancy Dress – Changed from 200/150/100 to 200/150/110
v. Hat – *ADDED* – Times set at 90/65/45
vi. Surgical Cloth – Changed from 90/60/45 to 90/65/45
vii. 10 Spools of Thread – *ADDED* – Times set at 100/74/50
viii. 1 Bolt of Fabric (Cotton, Silk, etc.) – Changed to 1 Bolt of Fabric (6 Yards of Fabric) – Changed materials from 3 Units of Cotton/Wool/Silk to 1 Unit of Cotton/Wool/Silk.